8 Sep 2017

8 September 2017 Newsletter

Jockey Club Sarah Roe School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.

  Principal’s Message
 Showcase – Pearl Class
 Dates for your Diary
 JCSRS and the ESF 50th Anniversary Marathon
 Variety flyer
 Lance King Parent Seminar
 ESF 50th Anniversary Golf Day @ 4.November.2017

Principal’s Message

The weeks are flying by and we are all managing the wild weather. Next week teachers and therapists are meeting to collaboratively draft IEP targets that they will discuss with you on Tuesday 26th September. You will be able to see the IEP for your son or daughter on the VLE. We did get some feedback about the IEP format and have made adjustments that we hope will help you to view and print more easily.

Next week we begin our new unit of work ‘Knowing Me, Knowing You’. The planning sessions indicate that there will be lots of learning and lots of fun. We look forward to sharing photos with you in the next few newsletters.

Students are currently receiving their ASDAN awards for Towards Independence – Events, Engaging with the World Around Me. We are all proud of their work.

This year Karen Carmody has responsibility for our library and has already made a huge change and a big difference. She is collaborating with a teacher with a library background from KJS and this has also involved a group of students who came to help us sort books. There is still a lot to do but we can’t wait to show you the many ways the students can learn in this space.

Child protection and Safeguarding is a very important and serious topic. At JCSRS we follow ESF policy and procedure and talk to staff regularly about this. As the school Child Protection Officer I am on the ESF committee and meet once a term with colleagues to discuss and review policy and procedures. You can read more about this on our website (Policies)

This week the leadership team are signing up for the ESF Marathon which is part of the ESF 50th Anniversary celebrations. I have attached the flyer below and encourage you to join us.


Showcase – Pearl Class

Pearl Class has started the term filled with smiles. This year, we have five new students joining us. Welcome Stephen, Darren, Lucas, Saad and Isis. Khushaan, Amrit and Jacob are very happy meeting their new friends. Since the start of term, students have been exposed to a variety of interesting and educational activities. They have so much fun sharing their weekend activities and participating in a variety of school activities.  Swimming at KGV is one of the highlights.  Together as a group, we produced some beautiful hand printing and drawings. Through social games, students get to know each other and settle in quickly to the routines.

Everyday students are encouraged to use the visual schedules to inform themselves of the activities for the day so as to promote their independence skills. Developing social and communication skills are also our focus of learning. In this term, we will work on the unit “Knowing me knowing you” and the ASDAN module “Using ICT”. We are looking forward to sharing our lovely work with you. Let’s work hand in hand towards another fruitful and joyful year!


Pearl Class Teacher

Dates for your Diary

IEP meetings with parents – Tuesday 26th September

Staff CPD day – Friday 29th September (no school for students)


JCSRS and the ESF 50th Anniversary Marathon


Variety flyer

Lance King Parent Seminar

ESF 50th Anniversary Golf Day – 4 November 2017