





The Jockey Club Sarah Roe School Parent Teachers Association promotes cooperation and discussion between the parents of the students of JCSRS and teachers for the promotion of education and matters relating to the education offered by the school. The PTA seeks to support the School and to improve the educational environment of the School for the benefits of the students.

  • Bring together the JCSRS community – parents, students and staff
  • Become the forum for parents and teachers to discuss matters relating to the education offered by the school
  • Seek long-term predictable funding solutions
  • Actively seek ways to provide funding to areas that need our support
Contact Us
Phone: 2761 9893
Acting Committee

Office Bearers (Parent Representatives):


Vice Chair:

Honorary Secretary:

Honorary Treasurer:

Philip Smith

Robert Mirfin

Ronald Wong

Principal Member, Ex-officio:
Anna Smakowska (Principal)
Teacher Representatives & Staff:
Andrew Smith (Teacher Representative), May Henderson (Therapist, Honorary Member)
Parent Representatives:
Chan Shuk Ting (Suki), Charlotte Khoo, Margaret Chung, Matthijs Dolsma, Megan McCoy, William Cheung
Parent Representative to School Council:
William Cheung
PTA Representative to School Council:
PTA Administrator:
Holly Yip

Jockey Club Sarah Roe School Parent Teachers Association Limited, is a company limited by guarantee and registered as a tax-exempt charitable organization.


New fund raising ideas are welcomed and will be considered first for impact to our broader goals of community building, inclusion awareness, and educational needs of our children and other special needs children. All JCSRS parent-led initiatives are welcomed and should go through the PTA as there are process and guidelines in place. Kindly please email to

Donations can be made by fund transfer to:

Account Name:
Account Number:
Bank Name:
Bank Address:
Head Office 1 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong
Bank Code:

Request for donation receipt:

Please email request to with Subject: Charitable Donation Receipt Request. Please also include copy of your bank remittance confirmation, full name and address to which the receipt is to be issued and sent.
PTA Funded Speech Therapy Equipment

“This school year the Speech Therapy department received a range of communication equipment, generously funded by the PTA.

The Speech Therapy department was looking to start a new initiative of an AAC lending library. 

Children at JCSRS communicate in a range of ways and are supported by our total communication environment. One aspect of this is using high-tech AAC. This could be an iPad with a specific communication app, dedicated communication devices or eye-gaze technology. Purchasing this equipment is a financial commitment for families, therefore we wanted to provide the opportunity to trial this at home and school before purchasing, thus the lending library. Due to the funding from the PTA, we were able to purchase several iPads. This has been a great success this year, with several families loaning devices. We have seen increased use and therefore communication of all students involved. The lending library also includes items such as GoTalk 9.

The ability to use high-tech AAC relies on the ability to access the equipment. In school we currently have an eye-gaze system; however, the frame to hold the device was not portable or accessible in different seating/environments. The funding from the PTA allowed us to purchase an adaptable, flexible frame that could be used in a range of contexts. We have seen increased communication and engagement in lessons since using this equipment.”

– May Henderson, Speech Therapist (May 2022)

PTA Funded Physiotherapy Equipment

We would like to thank our generous donors and our wonderful Physiotherapist Bianca for making this possible.

“In March, we received the final items from a physiotherapy equipment order, generously funded by the PTA. This equipment included several kinds of mobility support walkers, an electric muscle stimulator machine, two stability frames to facilitate independent standing and an orthotic device to improve the user’s gait pattern.

Due to the high cost of some of these items, they are not covered by the designated school physiotherapy equipment budget and so the PTA generously offered to provide the necessary additional funding.

The cost involved in purchasing this sort of equipment often makes it inaccessible to many families for individual purchase. There are also limited options to rent this type of equipment in Hong Kong and local suppliers often do not have demonstration units in all sizes for trial purposes.

Having our own equipment in a range of sizes at school provides the opportunity for us to see how the student will benefit, allowing families to make a more informed decision about purchase. They are also able to use the equipment in school and borrow it during holidays, therefore reducing the need to purchase this expensive equipment that their child may quickly outgrow or progress beyond the need for.

Thank you so much to the PTA for their support in securing these much needed resources for our students with challenges to their mobility.”

– Bianca Brown, Physiotherapist (March 2021)

Splice the Mainbrace, 18 April 2024

Please stay in touch with us about our upcoming events.